Friday, February 10, 2012

6th Sunday after Epiphany

I have fond memories of reading the Kings lesson to my daughter Katie. It seems like her little children's Bible always opened to the story of Naaman the Leper. It's a great story about a great military commander and hero who is sick with leprosy. In the midst of his complaints one of the maids in his house suggests that he turn to the prophet Elisha for help. Naaman is skeptical because he is a mighty and powerful person who has achieved much due to his military prowess. He seems to say, "how could a prophet from an area I defeated help me?" Yet, he goes anyhow and Elisha is not impressed with Naaman or in a hurry to help. When he does finally see him he suggests that Naaman bathe 7 times in the river Jordan. Naaman doesn't like that suggestion. In fact, he finds it offensive. After all he has rivers in his own country that are nicer ... why turn to an ugly, muddy river in Israel? So, he doesn't bathe in the Jordan and he doesn't get healed.

Naaman will finally relent and go to the Jordan and bathe 7 times just like he was told. No more half measures, he just goes and gets it done. The bathing allows him to emerge from the water with his skin restored like, "the flesh of a young boy.

How many of us have taken shortcuts in life? I have. I've also tried to convince myself that shortcuts were a wise route to take. After all everybody takes shortcuts, right? Actually, history is full of examples of people who took short cuts and tarnished their reputation as a result. Look at all the athletes who have been caught taking performance enhancing drugs. Roger Clemens, Mark Mcgwire to name a few. I feel like God is speaking through scripture and saying "look at Naaman, you can't take short cuts."

Shortcuts are fun and often easy but they're not the way to go. They don't get us closer to God any sooner. In fact they distract us from God and often send us down the wrong path. Naaman tried to take a shortcut it didn't work. Roger Clemens tried a short cut, got caught and his reputation is sullied for ever.

I am reminded of the words of the Big Book of Alcoholycs Anonymous who said that "half measures availed us nothing.We stood at the turning point. We asked his protection and care with complete abandon."

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