Friday, August 20, 2010

Proper 16 - Pentecost 13

It's really easy to think that we have nothing to share or no special gifts to add to God's Kingdom. After all one might be scared to death of speaking in public therefore a ministry reading lessons or preaching the gospel seems out of the question. Likewise one may not have the gift or ability to read music and offer "a joyful noise" unto the Lord. And perhaps we don't have the gift or patience for administration therefore ruling out any way of offering to God our time and talent. There's some obvious ministries in the church and sometimes it hard to see where we might fit in or what we have to offer.

I like what God says to Jeremiah in response to "Ah, Lord God! Truly, I don't know how to speak, for I am only a boy." God hears what he has to say and basically says that's no excuse! The scripture actually says that God reaches out touches his mouth and says "There I have put my words in your mouth." That should give all of us pause because God doesn't let anybody wiggle off the hook. No excuses! Step up ... get it done.

That's right no excuses and really no days off either. In fact Jesus follows God's admonition by healing in the synagogue on the Sabbath. Again there is ministry to be done and God's healing love to be shared. Don't worry about the words or the calendar ... step up ... get it done. And Jesus does just that. In fact he gives healing and new life to a woman who's been crippled for 18 years. This healing makes the synagogue officials angry because he is "working" on the sabbath day. Jesus corrects this real fast by reminding everyone within earshot that we all work for other basic things so why should we take time off from doing God's work. In short someone is suffering step up ... get it done.

Two major things hit me with this, 1) we have no excuses. We all have something to share and offer to our Lord and his world and you don't believe that stick around God will touch you and show you. 2) We don't get time off from being Christian. We do it all day long and everyday. The point is that ministry and mission is practiced at all times not just for an hour on Sunday or when we feel like we have the time. We come to God's altar on Sunday mornings for refreshment and refueling. The cross leads us out of church to do God's work at all times.

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