Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Feast of St. Columb
June 9, 2014

Dear Friends,
I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful celebration on Saturday night that brought our time as priest and people to a close. The service was holy, worshipful and incredibly comforting. The party, crawfish, decor and music were great! I’m still blown away by the sheer number of people who were present. Thank you to everybody who made it such a great night especially seeing to all the details. I love the St. Columb’s cross and the singing of “God be with you.” The cross and that moment will be cherished.

My time at St. Columb’s has been a real treasure. It’s been a joy to worship within this parish and to celebrate so many important and holy moments in your lives. On Saturday night I spoke about how we developed as a parish. I failed to say how much I developed as a priest and really a Christian during these years together. As I move forward in ministry please know that I will take you with me. I will take the memories and the lessons you have shared. I will take the experience you have given. I will take the blessings you have bestowed. 

Please know you are in my prayers as you move forward in mission and in seeking your new rector. I know we will see each other around town and, of course, at Bishop visits. I think a Pentecost eve service with the Bishop might be an interesting St. Columb’s tradition … let me know! I will close with the collect for the Feast day of St. Columb,

O God, by the preaching of your blessed servant Columba you caused the light of the Gospel to shine in Scotland: Grant, we pray, that, having his life and labors in remembrance, we may show our thankfulness to you by following the example of his zeal and patience; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

God Bless You!


Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Woman at the Well

I'm sitting at home thinking about the woman at the well. Throughout history it seem to me that she's gotten a bad rap. Many have associated her with the woman caught in adultery or a woman of ill repute. I think those are unfair labels. Unfair because Jesus didn't send her away saying "go and sin no more." He didn't. In fact she was so touched by her encounter with him that she left his company to evangelize and tell others that she met the messiah.

I can't help but thinking about how sometimes we think that we're not worthy enough for Jesus love and grace ... but keep in mind he came for everyone the meek and the lowly, the foreigner and native and even you and me.

Spring Break 2014

We had an awesome time in California over Spring Break! Thanks for the time off and thanks for all your prayers for our safe travel. In addition to spending time with relatives we were able to spend time at a couple of California's more desired location. In fact we spent at day at Disneyland and a day at the beach. I hope you enjoy this picture of me and the girls after surfing at Mondo's beach in Ventura.